Saturday, 11 January 2014


Peony Flower Crown : Handmade by myself

My sketchbook is a quiet little place where I can play and explore drawing in a simple and experimental manner. It is for observation and the quick freehand sketch. It is free from the formalities of a "Rose Tinted Illustration" which I spend hours refining. It uses an 8B pencil mostly, which provides dark and soft tones to achieve my desired effect. It is a cheap, bound sketchbook that has thick cream paper and front & back covers of plain brown paper (which I am nervous about illustrating on). It is a compilation of ideas and designs. It is dedicated to drawing things I love.

Yes I know it's naughty and wasteful to only draw on one side of the sketchbook, but I can't stand drawing when I can see lines showing through!


Kristy said...

I have always thought your drawings beautiful, even when we were kids! The ones above are stunning!!

Rose Tinted Illustration and Design said...

Aww Thanks Kristy! That means so much to me. I like to hope I'm a bit better at it now than when I was a child! Haha!